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Welcome to our new News Site , it was a long time since we added/updated our achievements on the old site.  It is now incumbent on me to keep this new format up-dated

in  the Australian market we are making  or are recognising new or advanced benefits at least on a weekly basis with results still evolving in a positive manner from pre existing customers,extending their applications with the electrolysed water use within their traditional production or cultivation, Some of the results are quite astounding , and way beyond our representations or claims. The benefit of users doing simple applications , based on their understanding of possible benefits, with nothing to lose, far exceed anything we dare suggest or promote ,

As always we cannot maintain our appreciated confidentiallity, with user organisation , we are going to attempt  to provide generic application findings as achieved in problem solving  by these  clients. If you see something that you can relate to or would like to elaborate on, you may enquire by contacting us, and providing you are a genuine grower , producer or processor we will be discrete in passing relevant detail , while respecting confidence of contributor , just as we will do for any feed back you may provide us.

To whet your appetite we can advise that a large grower has had significant success in overcoming Phytophera in the root zone of olive trees, using Anolyte  as addition to his traditional irrigation system , around root zone of trees,  This is in addition to, several other gowers who have good results on Pythium and Fusarium  as an addition to many and various crops both as soil irrigation and also foliar spray , combatting a number of  bacterial , Fungal and spore  infections .  As this is an on going and very broad manifest of simple but practical outcomes , we will continue to  catalogue them in more detail as regularly as we are able to advise you.

Meanwhile  I will attempt to master this  Post editor to provide much more  on a regular basis.

Coming to terms with editing /updating News.During the period since my Welcome, we have continued to  provide demonstrations and show our capabilities in the fruit and Vegetable , production (in the field and processing) Response to this is a little overwhelming as the results and benefits are obvious within a very short time,given the opportunity to apply  our  electrolysed Water to produce on site.  The key to our demonstrable capability , we are sure is the inclusion of a membrane between the  electrodes within the electrolyser cell, This in contrast to many other technologies which can demonstrate some efficacy, by simply generating Sodium Hypochlorite, Of course traditional Hypochlorite works, has done for many years, but cannot manifest the wide range of efficacy , and or safety, non toxicity, or growth promotant capabilities, we can in agricultural production.  This is not to criticise long available technology , but to highlight  the benefits of round cell electrolyser , with membrane. The benefits are very quickly realised, and appreciated by people making a living in agriculture and also to public health and nutrition.

As I become more proficient at adding/editing this News site, hopefully I can keep up practical reporting on our continuous revelations and also include some of the many pictures which exhibit our results, till next time, I will get back to the field and extolling our benefits.

It has been a while since EO Water news page has been refreshed.

This is due to us being quite busy specifying , supplying and installing units into Agricultural (fruit and veg) projects. We are re affirming our capabilities , on farm for germination, growing, harvesting , processing and improving shelf life  of  the whole supply chain for produce. With really good tangible results improving returns to growers and wholesalers in the field  where the ‘rubber hits the road. ‘

Currently focusing/or targeting  dissemination of  our proven practical success with ground, bore and rainwater treatment, for irrigation and fertigation, dispersal of anolyte treated water for on crop and processing /packing shed sanitising. This is using the most accessable and economical water source, with excellent produce quality and reduced crop loss or lesser harvest spoilage.The topic of water quality and decontamination from Chemical and microbial inclusion plus acting as a vector for bacteria , fungi and spore  introduced by airborne means or via wildfowl or other wildlife, is a very well known and recognised means of cross contamination or dispersal. This is a current International topic ? Difference is we are applying  it successfully.

Our focus on this is engendered or encouraged, by our suppression or control of these  production inhibitors is  being practically appreciated by now a significant  number of  larger and iconic growers, processors and innovative value add marketing of fruit and vegetables, in our extended region  in Queensland and wider Australia

We would welcome your enquiry to ascertain if your operation counld take advantage and benefit from our water treatmant and also possible recycling technology, . Quite simply we remove all that is detrimental in your water source while retaining all thast is beneficial. Apply the old addage  ‘seeing is believing’ can easily be applied. this is additional to published scientific validation of our claims.

Review our web site topics, and give us a call to discuss your potential of benefits  derived from our industry experience.

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